Modern warfare specops destroy tanks
Modern warfare specops destroy tanks

modern warfare specops destroy tanks modern warfare specops destroy tanks

SOUZA117 mentions that if the achievement doesn't unlock for you, hard reset your console. El Luigi has commented that he only needed the original 4 missions for the achievement to unlock. : Two new operations have been added to spec ops. On top of that, you can join matches in progress and it will count towards the achievement LONG AS SOMEONE REACHES THE HELICOPTER AT THE END AND SEE THE MISSION ACCOMPLISHED SCREEN. You DO NOT need to do the classic spec op missions. A lot of you also have been saying that the achievement won't pop unless you do it in a single session! This achievement requires you to complete all 4 operations of spec ops. As of the update from, this achievement has been fixed and is obtainable! This guide is focused on mainly giving hints and tips to help your crew. * This is achievement is known to be very buggy! If it doesn't unlock after a hard reset, clear the game cache and play through one mission! * How to clear the game cache will be at the bottom of the guide.

Modern warfare specops destroy tanks